Animaniacs in Concert Review – A joyful trip for all ages
Now Rob Paulsen, (the versatile actor who plays Yakko, Pinky and Otto Von Scratchansniff) has teamed up with Emmy winning composer Randy Rogel, (one of the original songwriters), and taken the act on the road. And what an act it is! An eye popping, foot tapping, absolute gem of a show which leaves you grinning from ear to ear.
Animaniacs at the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles, CA
2018 marks the 25th anniversary of Animaniacs, one of Warner Bros. biggest cartoons. This show featured the Warner Brothers Yakko and Wakko and sister Dot as well as characters like Pinky and the Brain. Animaniacs Live! took place at the Grammy Museum on Sept. 6 to a sold-out crowd.
Animaniacs in Concert: Reactions and Review
Last Thursday, I had the rare pleasure of attending Animaniacs Live when the show performed at the Carnegie of Homestead Music Hall in Pittsburgh.
Animaniacs Cast Getting Ready to Hit The Road for a Live Tour
It’s been a very long time since anyone has been able to say this and have it be true, but after many years it is once again time for Animaniacs.
THEATER REVIEW: Animaniacs in Concert
I love seeing voice actors whose work I know in person because it is so strange and exciting to hear the voice you know and love coming from a completely unfamiliar face.

‘Animaniacs in Concert’ to bring back some of cartoon’s greatest songs – (
If you're a music fan who grew up in the 1990s, you likely crossed paths with "Animaniacs."...
‘Animaniacs’ Reboot Being Developed By Steven Spielberg, Amblin TV and Warner Bros. – (
They're zany to the max, and now Yakko, Wakko and Dot may finally be back with their first new episodes in nearly 20 years.
New dates added!
La Mirada theater will host the Animaniacs in Concert show for two nights. Don’t miss it!